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Multi-nutrient liquid feed formulation based on calcium nitrate and AXM

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CalMax Ultra is a unique formulation containing calcium and AXM, which acts as a ‘pump primer’ to ensure calcium is effectively transported into plant cells even during periods of poor transpiration. The increased leaf and fruit calcium allows for longer storage life and less risk of physical damage as well as a greater resilience to physiological breakdown. Formulated for foliar application to a wide range of crops.

Agriculture & Horticulture
Protects against Blossom End Rot, Bitter Pit, Tip Burn and other calcium-related disorders. CalMax Ultra also increases fruit firmness leading to improved storability and shelf life.
CalMax Ultra increases flower, fruit, leaf and stem firmness and also prevents a number of calcium linked disorders in other crops.
Multiple applications from flowering/head formation.

Crops: Most horticultural crops including protected edibles, soft fruit and tree fruit
For crop specific rates and recommendations please read the product label
Water volume: 200-600 L/ha water

Can also be used on lawns at 1 L/Ha rate