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Natural biostimulant & quality improver for use on a wide range of crops

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Biomex Starter is a a natural product, in the form of a liquid solution, containing spores of Bacillus amyloliquefaciens, a non-pathogenic micro-organism occuring naturally in the soil. It works by colonising the roots of the growing plant. The colonies secrete compounds in the vicinity of the root hairs.

Improved Rooting
Increased Plant Vigour
Earlier bulking in potatoes

A concentrated suspension of the naturally occuring rhizobacteria Bacillus amyloliquefaciens strain 42.
For use on a wide range of agricultural and horticultural crops, to improve germination, rooting, nutrient absorption and vigour.
1g contains 2.5 x 10 (10) spores of Bacillus amylolique-faciens and 6.5%N ,1% P and 0.3%K.

Application Rate:


1. Small seeded crop e.g. Carrots, Swedes, Beetroot and other crops.
Rate: 0.5L/ha Post drilling and again pre canopy closure. Can also be incorporated pre drilling.

2. Transplants e.g. Lettuce, Brassicas and Strawberries etc.
Rate: 0.5L/ha Post planting on to moist soil or Pre planting incorporated.

3. Potatoes.
Rate: 0.5L/ha Apply in furrow at time of planting.