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An adjuvant that improves spreading, coverage and even penetrating properties of spray droplets on plant surfaces.
Wetcit is registered as an adjuvant and will improve spreading, coverage and even penetrating properties of spray droplets on plant surfaces.
The product contains a blend of natural plant derived extracts with bio-degradable wetting agents.
Wetcit has a unique characteristic associated with its mode of action which differentiates it from other adjuvants, called its re-wetting ability. Wetcit is able to maintain a lowered water surface tension on hydrophobic surfaces for a period of 5 to 10 days after spraying.
Mode of action: The stretched shield extends the efficacy of the treatment along with plant growth Wetcit effectively reduces surface tension of water and improves spreading into difficult to reach places. The knockdown action of pesticides is also optimized by Wetcit due to improvement of pesticide contact with waxy and chitin protecting layers of insects and external hydrophobic structures of fungi.
Wetcit is suitable for use in various application techniques, for example: Full cover tractor application, low volume concentrated spray, pivot, backpack, etc.
As a general wetter, use Wetcit at 25 - 50 ml per 100 L
Use 100 - 300 ml per 100 L (0,1 – 0,3 %) for optimizing efficacy of pesticides.
The higher rate should be used where:
• High insect or disease populations are prevalent.
• Relatively low water volumes are used.
• Hydrophobic (waxy) or hairy plant surfaces or insects with waxy secretions need to be sprayed.
• The product is used with non-selective herbicides.
Water volume: Use the normal water volume as planned for the specific growth stage of the crop.