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Biofungicide with naturally occuring soil fungus, which provides useful disease control that benefits to a wide range of cropping situations
Prestop contains mycelia and spores of Gliocladium catenulatum Strain J1446, a naturally occuring soil fungus, which is capable of providing a number of very useful disease control benefits to a wide range of cropping situations.
Prestop can give effective control of a wide variety of plant pathogens:
Grey mould and stem cankers caused by Botrytis cinerea on leafy crops, tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, aromatic plants, ornamentals and strawberries.
Gummy stem blight caused by Didymella sp. on cucumbers.
Damping-off and root or base rot diseases caused by Pythium, Rhizoctonia, Phytophthora and Fusarium spp. on vegetables, salads, aromatic plants and ornamentals.
Mode of action:
The fungus Gliocladium catenulatum Strain J1446
– acts as a hyperparasite and produces enzymes, which cause the breakdown of cell walls of plant pathogens.
– deprives pathogenic fungi of living space and nourishment by colonizing the surface of roots and aerial parts of the plants.
Prestop is a wettable powder which, when mixed with water, can be applied:
– via mixing into growing media (both organic and inorganic based types).
– via drenching or soil and growing medium spraying.
– via irrigation systems including drip irrigation.
– via foliar spraying.
The most efficient way to use Prestop is preventatively. The active substance is a microorganism which survives in the rhizosphere and on
the foliage of plants for several weeks, protecting them against pathogens.
For rates, water volumes, timings and restrictions of application read the label.