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Selective, systemic, post-emergence herbicide for managed amenity turf, lawns and amenity grassland.

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Selective, systemic, post-emergence herbicide for managed amenity turf, lawns and amenity grassland.
It combines three modern active ingredients and two different modes of action.
Praxys rapidly enters target weeds, travelling through the whole plant to give complete weed destruction.
Rainfast within one hour.
Gives complete kill right down to the roots.

Praxys can be applied from March right through to October on established turf. It is best applied when weeds are actively growing and preferably small.
Mowing should be avoided 3 days before and 3 days after application.
Reseeding can be carried out 3 days after application.
Maximum 1 application per year.

High selectivity to established and young turf – can be used 8 weeks post germination.

Active Substance
Fluroxypyr 100 g/l
Clopyralid 80 g/l
Florasulam 2.5 g/l

Flexible application rates – 1.0, 1.5, and 2.0 litres per hectare.
Knapsack rate: 10ml – 20ml in 2L of water treats 100 sq m.