
PG Mix base fertiliser 12-14-24 + TE 25kg

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A high quality, all-in-one powdered compound fertiliser for use in the preparation of peat substrates and potting composts.
Contains essential nutrients in balanced proportions for strong, healthy plant growth. Includes a full range of trace elements of which iron is in a chelated form.
Powdered form ensures thorough incorporation and even dispersal throughout compost mix.
Can be used in combination with controlled release fertiliser for feeding in the first two to four weeks.

Formulated for growing vegetables, pot plants and nursery stock where a lower overall nitrogen level and increased potassium rate are required. This is predominantly for use where higher quantities are applied (1.5 – 1.75 kg/m3).

Crop recommendations and rates
Young plants 0.5kg/m
Pot plants 0.8 – 1.5kg/m
Bedding plants 1.5kg/m
Trees and Shrubs 1.0kg/m