Osmocote Exact Standard 12-14 months 15-9-11 +TE 25kg
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Osmocote Exact Standard 12-14 months 25kg
Safe and consistent release for long-lasting plants all year.
Give your plants’ the long life they deserve with Osmocote Exact Standard 12-14M. Safety, consistency, and a patterned release… you get it all. Ideal for fast-growing conifers and evergreens. The handy colour-coded granules make sure you don’t mix up applications for different longevities.
The temperature affects Osmocote Exact Standard longevity, determined at 21ºC. 16ºC: 15-17M 21ºC: 12-14M 26ºC: 9-11M.
Healthy, nutrified plants all year
Controlled release and high level of all essential trace elements
Consistent: each bag gives identical results
Tailored release pattern: exactly suited to your crop’s requirements for optimal growth
Application rates
Container nursery stock 3 to 6grm per litre of compost depending on needs.