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Agricultural growth regulator for use in wheat, barley, oats, rye, triticale, durum wheat crops

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Medax Max is a reliable and flexible plant growth regulator (PGR) for the reduction of crop height which can lead to the control of lodging in winter and spring wheat, durum wheat, winter and spring barley, winter and spring oats, winter rye and winter triticale.

Two complementary active ingredients for improved speed of uptake and more consistent results
Works well in cooler T0/T1 conditions
Wide application window over broad range of crops
Thickens stems and stem wall, helping to reduce stem lodging and brackling
T0/T1 use helps to improve tiller retention
T0/T1 use increases fine roots for better nutrient uptake and root plate spread for greater anchorage strength, helping to reduce root lodging

Active ingredients: 50 g/kg prohexadione and 75 g/kg trinexapac-ethyl

Crops: Winter and spring wheat, durum wheat, winter and spring barley, winter and spring oats, winter rye, winter triticale.

For crop specific rates and timing please read the label.