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Fast acting total herbicide for stubble clean up.

SKU: KYLE01 Categories: , Tag:


Fast acting herbicide for the control of annual and perennial weeds in stubbles, grassland (destruction), green cover on land not being used for crop production, orchards, hard surfaces (railway ballast only) and amenity vegetation.

Controls weeds such as Volunteer oilseed rape, Black bindweed and many other broadleaved weeds which are difficult to kill with straight glyphosate.
Grassland destruction recommendation giving improved and quicker control of weeds such as Docks.
Fast and long lasting action- one application for target weeds
Extended weed spectrum to manage touch to control weeds like thistles, horsetails, VOSR…
Use less glyphosate per hectare, you can reduce by half the amount of glyphosate per hectare with the same result
Safe formulation for trees in orchards
Easy made cropping, to sow quicker in a clean plot for intercrops and to reduce pre-sowing intervals compared to straight 2,4-D

Active ingredients: Glyphosate 240 g/L, 2,4-D 160 g/L

Rates: 3-5l/ha – on different crop situations please read the label for further information
Perennial weeds susceptible at 5 L/Ha
Annual and Perennial Grass weeds susceptible at 5 L/Ha
Broad mix of weeds with volunteer cereals susceptible at 5 L/Ha