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High quality granular early season fertiliser with iron for sports and amenity turf

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Greenmaster Pro Lite Cold Start 11-5-5 +Fe
Proven to initiate early season growth. The readily available nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium kick-start spring recovery growth.

The proven “go to” early Spring fertiliser
Works well at low temperatures and assists early season growth and improves wear resistance
Designed to initiate strong early season growth to allow quick recovery from early preparation work
Micro-granular formulation allows even application at low rates
Immediate colour response
Can be used at any time of the season
The Iron discourages weed and moss invasion
The Iron and Magnesium aid turf hardiness

Application rate: 35g/m2
1 x 25kg bag treats 714 square meters.

If no rain within 2 days then water in.
Suggested period of use: Can be used any time of the season