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Agricultural herbicide for the control of cleavers and other annual broad-leaved weeds in grassland

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Forefront T is a selective herbicide for the control of docks, thistles, nettles, ragwort, buttercups and dandelions.
It can only be used on grazing ground or after last cut of silage. Manure restrictions apply.
It is very safe to grass.
Forefront T is not safe on clover.

With a short stock withholding period and a fast rainfast time Forefront T is the go to for overall weed control.
To be used on fields intended for cattle or sheep grazing only.

Active ingredients: Aminopyralid 30g/L and Triclopyr 240g/L

Use at 2.0 L/Ha in a water volume of 200 L/Ha.
If weed numbers are high, or if the grass sward is dense, increase to 300 L/Ha.
Reducing water volume to speed up spraying operations can lead to poorer long-term control.

Latest time of application: 7 days before grazing