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Growth regulator for use in apples, Christmas trees, ornamental trees, shrubs and flowers
New specialist plant growth regulator (PGR) for apples with Extension of Authorisation for Minor use (EAMU) in Christmas trees, ornamental trees, shrubs and flowers.
Typically used on Christmas trees for leader control. Promotes side shoots.
Contains soluble concentrate based on 100g/lt 1-naphthylacetic acid.
Use in conjunction with Cerone (PGR) growth regulator **
Apply using knapsack sprayer or rollers
Apply at 100-150mm (4-6″) growth stage or later
Use once a year
Last use: end of June
Area Dilution Per Leader
Apples: 150ml in 1000L water (1.5ml in 10L water)
Christmas Trees (leader control): Max. 4ml/L Max. 5ml diluted product per leader