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Agricultural herbicide for weed control in wheat and barley, oats, triticale and green cover on land

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Finy is a highly active, contact and residual, selective herbicide with foliar and root activity against a wide range of annual broad-leaved weeds. It can be absorbed both through the roots and the foliage, and is rapidly translocated within the weed.

Active ingredients:  200 g/kg metsulfuron-methyl

Crops: all varieties of winter and spring wheat, spring barley, oats and triticale and green cover on land temporarily removed from production (set-aside)

Excellent tank mix partner
Broad spectrum BLW control over a wide range of cereal crops
Reliable activity
Controls large overwintered problem weeds in the spring
Wide application window allows control of late germinating weeds

Wheat, barley, oats, & triticale:
Maximum individual dose 30g/Ha
Latest time of application: Flag leaf stage (GS39)

Green cover on land not being used for crop production (set-aside)
Maximum individual dose 30g/Ha
After 1st February and before 1st August in year of application