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A selective herbicide for the control of a wide range of grass weeds and volunteer cereals for use in a wide range of crops

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A foliar acting selective herbicide with systemic activity on a wide range of grass weeds and volunteer cereals for use in potatoes, beet, oilseed rape and a wide range of other broadleaved crops.

Active ingredient: 100 g/L Propaquizafop

Fastest acting graminicide
Within 1 hour: Rapidly absorbed by the leaves.
After 2-3 days: Systemically translocated to plant meristems. Inhibits fatty acid synthesis (ACCase).
After 5-7 days: Vital functions of cells destroyed. Chlorosis in young plant tissues.
After 15-20 days: Collapse of entire plant.
Built-in adjuvant
Only use a second ACCase inhibitor herbicide to control different weeds at a different timing.
Speed of kill will be more rapid when weeds are actively growing under warm conditions with adequate moisture.
Addition of a tank mix Adjuvant can improve performance in cold conditions.

Max. ind. dose: 1.5L/Ha
Water volume: 100-200L/Ha
Max no. applications: 1 per crop

Broad bean, Bulb onion, Carrots, Combining pea, Cut log, Farm forestry, Field bean, Fodder beet, Forest, Forest nursery, French dwarf bean, Linseed, Navy bean, Potato (early,) Potato (maincrop), Spring oilseed rape, Sugar beet, Swede, Turnip, Winter oilseed rape

Key Target Weeds:
Annual grass-weeds, Barley cover crops, Common couch, Rye-grass (from seed,) Sterile brome, Volunteer barley, Volunteer rye, Volunteer wheat, Wild Oats