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Agricultural herbicide for the control of cleavers and other annual broad-leaved weeds in grains and linseed, and for the control of docks in grassland
A foliar-applied agricultural herbicide for the control of cleavers and other annual broad-leaved weeds in wheat, barley, oats, rye, triticale, durum wheat and linseed, and for the control of docks in grassland.
A water dispersible granule formulation containing 75% w/w amidosulfuron
Crops, rates and timing:
Wheat, barley, oats, rye, triticale 40g/Ha
1 per crop
From the two-leaf stage of the crop up to and including first awns visible (GS49) but before first spikelet of inflorescence just visible (GS51)
Linseed 40g/Ha
1 per crop
From the first pair of leaves unfolded up to before flower buds visible
Grassland 40-60 g/Ha
1 per season
At least 21 days before harvest for hay or silage
Keep livestock out of treated area for at least 7 days after spraying