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Used to control a wide range of fungal and bacterial diseases on potatoes, vegetables, fruit trees and ornamentals.
Curenox 50 WP is a foliar fungicide with protective action, containing 50% metallic copper (copper oxychloride).
It is used to control a wide range of fungal and bacterial diseases like downey mildew, late blight, leaf spot, bacterial leaf spot etc. on vegetables, fruit trees and ornamentals.
Also suitable as a fungicide for the control of Early Blight and Late Blight on potatoes.
Mode of Action: Copper ions are absorbed by fungal and bacterial spores as they grow, disrupting their enzyme systems.
Copper is a protectant fungicide – it must be deposited on the crop before the fungal spores begin to germinate.
Active ingredient: Copper oxychloride
Approved for use in organic agriculture. (No more than 6kg Copper per hectare per year).
Dosage: Apply 1-2 kg/Ha in 1000 liters of water.
Spray Interval: Every 7-10 days.
Specific Crops:
Potatoes/Swede/Turnip: 1 kg/Ha.
Apple/Pear/Plum/Cherries: 2 kg/Ha.
Waiting Time Before Harvest: 12 hours