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Foliar acting herbicide for the control of wild oats to be used in all varieties of winter and durum wheat.

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Buguis is a foliar acting grass weed killer for the control of wild oats which can be used post-emergence on all varieties of wheat and durum wheat.

Can be mixed with many broad-leaved weed and residual grass weed herbicides to widen the spectrum of weeds controlled.
Can contribute to the control of susceptible populations of black-grass as part of a herbicide resistance management strategy, involving mixtures and sequences with herbicides of alternative modes of action.
Activity is faster under good growing conditions and may appear relatively slow under cold or dry weather conditions.

Buguis has no residual activity. Optimum weed control will only be achieved when all grass weeds have emerged.

Buguis does not control broad-leaved weeds and if these are present a specific broad-leaved weed herbicide will be required.

Buguis can be used on all varieties of winter and durum wheat.
* Do not use on barley or oats.

Active Ingredients: 100 g/l clodinafop-propargyl, 20 g/l cloquintocet-mexyl

Max individual dose 0.6 L/Ha
Water volumes 200 – 400 L/Ha