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A biostimulant containing a natural bacteria that reduces dependency of nitrogen uptake from the soil.

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BlueN is a nutrient efficiency biostimulant containing a natural bacteria, Methylobacterium symbioticum, that fixes nitrogen from the air and converts it into ammonium inside the plant.

BlueN provides a sustainable, supplemental source of nitrogen that reduces dependency of nitrogen uptake from the soil and ensures the plant has access to nitrogen all season long.

When applied, BlueN enters the plant though the stomata. BlueN concentrates mainly in areas of growth in and around plant leaf cells. Broadly BlueN will take about 1 week to colonise a plant and will fix the equivalent to 3kg/ha of applied nitrogen per week thereafter usually about 30kg/ha per season (10-week crop). Therefore, once colonised, BlueN provides the plant with a sustinable supplimental souce of nitrogen thoughout the season

See the label for specific crops (arable and horticultural)

Rates 333 g/ha
Water Volumes 100-400 L/ha depending on crop type
Water Quality Do not apply BlueN with chlorinated products with a content of chlorine >2ppm. Use with water pH between 5 – 8