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Liquid soil conditioner and biostimulant with equal ratio of Humic and Fulvic acid.

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Compo Basfoliar Black SL is an effective soil conditioner and biostimulant with equal ratio of Humic and Fulvic acid.

Improves the soil structure and water holding capacity stimulating the development of beneficial microorganisms from the soil as its a rich
source of carbohydrates.
Optimum ratio of Humic (7.8%) and Fulvic acid (7.8%) along with potassium (K) for enhanced product performance.

Instant greening effect, Fulvic acid absorbed into the leaf
Enhanced chlorophyll content increasing plant metabolism
Increases the ability of plants to deal with abiotic stress.
Increased availability of micronutrients
Improves CEC of soils
Improves soil structure and water holding capacity

Content Nutrients:
15.6% Humic extract
7.8% Fulvic Acid
7.8% Humic Acid
2.0% K2O

Rate 10-20L/Ha