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Contact acting herbicide for the control of a wide range of broad-leaved weeds in beans, peas, linseed and potatoes.

SKU: BASA03 Categories: , , Tag:


A contact herbicide for post-emergence broad-leaved weed control in spring and winter field beans, broad, dwarf French, navy and runner beans, peas, linseed, narcissi and potatoes.

Active ingredient: 87% w/w bentazone

Weed spectrum:
Black bindweed, charlock, chickweed, cleavers, mayweeds, black nightshade, field penny-cress, pale persicaria, wild radish, redshank and shepherd’s purse (for full list see label)

Can be used as a single or split dose application for maximum flexibility.
Recommended rates 1.1 kg/Ha or a split dose of 0.55 + 0.55 kg/Ha
Water volume 150-400 litres per hectare